Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Problem of Community Planning

In the frenzied days since Hurricane Katrina, I have noticed one common element among all affected parties, their family members, friends and business associates. Everyone is seeking information on the recovery. Some are experiencing more success than others. Unfortunately, within a week of acquiring that information, either the information changes or personal circumstances change rendering the information useless. Navigating the red tape, rules, press releases and splinter groups is a full-time job.

To those of you, who are in New Orleans or Southeast Louisiana and any other interested parties, this is my small contribution to alleviate your headaches, as well as my own.

I have recently created a NOLA/SELA Community Planning Calendar for civic planning events and meetings. It is a free Google calendar, which I have populated with as many of the upcoming meetings as I could find along with their agendas, if available. Why did I create this? Because, along with everyone else I've spoken to, I'm tired of going to 50 different sites to find out what's going on in Louisiana.

I am circulating this calendar to as many groups as possible with the hopes that they (you) will send me their (your) public meeting information and link to this calendar, so that everyone can have access to the same information. Meeting notices can be sent here: Community planning calendar email address. Also, meeting minutes can be added following any event. You may also email if at any time you become aware of other civic planning events in SELA that have not been posted.

You may view and link to the calendar from the following link: NOLA/SELA Calendar