Wednesday, January 17, 2007

After the March: Next Steps?

So, where do we go from here?

Bolstered by a need to do something and hoping to jumpstart the implementation ideas listed in the previous post, a friend and I drafted a letter. We concentrated on the first two points (steering committee and feeding the list of Crime Reduction Ideas upwards) and emailed it to NOLA Against Crime and Silence Is Violence.

Again, we received very positive reinforcement! In fact, NOLA Against Crime has gotten behind the idea of the steering team and has offered the use of their website for reporting updates and to make a call for volunteers when we're ready to move.

This is the problem. Before they can do any of this, NOLA Against Crime needs someone to step up to coordinate the steering team because their plates are already full. This leader/coordinator would not have to seek out the volunteers and does not necessarily have to be an expert on crime issues. He/she/they would simply need to be local, be able to coordinate the tasks from the list with the schedules of volunteers, can keep track of current status and most important be reliable and able to put aside their own personal agendas. I would do it myself, but since I'm not local, that would be a bit too much. This needs hands on attention.

That's where we are today.

How you can help: